Night In The Woods

Night in the Woods is an adventure game focused on exploration, story, and character. It features dozens of characters to interact with. The game was funded with a Kickstarter that exceeded its $50,000 USD goal. Night in the Woods was developed by Infinite Fall, a studio found by Alec Holowka and Scott Benson while being published by Finji. Night in the Woods: Directed by Scott Benson, Bethany Hockenberry, Alec Holowka. After dropping out of college, Mae returns to her hometown of Possum Springs where she slowly uncovers a dark mystery. Night in the Woods is a 2026 animated mystery film directed by 1Edgar Wright. The film was written by Wright and Joe Cornish, and produced by 2Nira Park and 3Reese Witherspoon. It stars Mae, played by Hailee Steinfeld, an anthropromorphic cat who had recently dropped out of college for being such a rebellious student. She then comes back her hometown to find some unexpected changes.


Night in the Woods is an artistic and compelling narrative-driven adventure game, developed by indie studio Infinite Fall. Like many other games, you control a memorable cartoonish character on a side-scrolling adventure. However, Night in the Woods distinguishes itself from other 2D adventure games by telling a poignant and personal narrative, and by producing a unique charm and memorable characters. In Night in the Woods, your main objective isn't defeating enemies or reaching the end of the level. As a young 20 year-old returning to their childhood home, your overall goal is to work through your mental health issues and investigate the mysteries happening around town. It's a surprisingly effective story, resulting in tangible bonds with the game's various characters. As you explore the city that Night in the Woods presents you, you'll begin to see just how layered the story is.

The story in Night in the Woods focuses on Mae, a college dropout who returns to the town of Possum Springs. Her, along with the rest of the citizens of Possum Springs, are human-like animals. Mae and her family are cats, but the rest of the town ranges from reptiles to birds. Living at her parent's house, Mae spends the days exploring the town, reuniting with old friends, and pondering life's big questions. The game is split up across several days, and each day you'll choose who and what you interact with. Mae has a few friends left in Possum Springs, and it's up to you which friend Mae will spend the most time with. There's Bea, the cold and apathetic crocodile, Gregg, the fast-talking fox, and his boyfriend, Angus. Each character has their own distinct personality, providing Mae with a mishmash of optimistic perspectives and realistic pessimism. In many ways, Night in the Woods is all about the bonds you'll form with Mae and her friends, and which of those bonds you choose to focus on.

Between hanging out with your friends and going on various adventures, you can freely explore the various shops and locations in Possum Springs. Besides Mae's main friends, there's a slew of other characters to meet and areas to explore. You can spend time discussing Mae's future with her parents, make a spiritual check-in at the local church, or do a bit of humanitarian work with the homeless population. Possum Springs very accurately resembles the lifestyle of the middle class; hard at work at their individual jobs and lives, but coming together as a community for various events and holidays. As the Halloween season approaches Possum Springs, the citizens gear up for their annual fall festival. However, something truly terrifying awaits in the shadows, biding its time.

Night in the Woods excels as both a mystery story, an emotional adventure, and a stark look at the middle class. It's an interesting experience told with wildly imaginative characters and art. The overall writing is exemplary, whether it's an intimate moment with Mae's close friends or a drunken night of fun, Night in the Woods always feels honest in its storytelling. Although the gameplay can be a bit underwhelming at times, Night in the Woods makes up for it with a gripping narrative with compelling relationships. It's wholly unique, and for anyone who grew up in suburbia, it holds a distinctly nostalgic feel. The branching nature of the story and friendships provide plenty of replayablity, making this an indie game that is not only effective, but worth repeat playthroughs.

Overall rating: 8.5
Quick Facts


Comment by Mowt

Follow NPC Zarkin and his band around the quest area. They'll periodically stop and engage mobs (which you'll help them kill). Each stop gets you 20% credit, so five stops should complete the quest. I'm not sure what exactly you have to do to get credit for the stop (e.g., just tag? kill? damage?) Also, be careful not to agro the yellow mobs.

Comment by Holyfirez

if you don't see Zarkin you need to leave quest area then come back. sometimes you need start the route with him to get credit.

Comment by Lenrisia

Quest is still bugged on launch...

Comment by Topazmace

This quest was annoying at first because of how bugged it is. I managed it finally even with WM on, and you don't need to be in a group or anything.
The best way to get this done (assuming no bugs) is to wait at the northern-most point of the blue quest area on your minimap until the event is finished and a new one begins. A group of neutral, unattackable elites will spawn who will go around different parts of the grove to fend off waves of enemies. You get 20% completion for each wave, and there are five to defeat which gives you 100% completion.
You can also start one in progress, but you won't get full completion and will have to do some of the next hunt. The issue here is you risk running into some angry elites and dying if you can't find where the hunting party is, so my advice is to hang tight for 5 minutes for the next hunt to start.
Good luck, be patient and the conduit is yours.

Comment by venndann

I managed to complete and get credit for this quest today, Nov 27. Go to NPC Zarkin and wait until he takes off with his group. Follow the group, and engage in the battles. As another poster said, he makes 5 stops, and you'll need credit for 5 stops to complete. If you die, or get lost, you can take up with the Hunt at any point in the cycle.
To get credit for the stop, I think you have to be within the blue circle that forms at the end of each battle. Not sure whether you have had to tag or kill mobs, but the blue circle seems to be necessary.

Comment by Fleonar

Ok, so, as soon as I attack to 'assist', as the quest said I should, I get aggro and get killed in two seconds...

Comment by Kukkaspoika

The easiest way to get completion of this with War Mode on or off is just to hang with the group doing it.
It seems every few areas will reset and allow new people to join. At least that's my understanding after having done this about 20 times now.
I've started from the beginning many times and not got any completion and then 3 areas later I start getting completion. Just hang with the group and follow Zarkin around.

Comment by Deathisi

Tried again today, this quest is still bugged as of 29/11/20
Edit: Did manage to get the done in the end, didn't have to talk to Zarkin, i just joined another in progress 'hunt' and got some tags for it to complete after a few turns

Comment by Kvalyr

Faction-tagging of mobs needs to go. It adds nothing to the game and makes quests like this a waste of time.
It's unclear whether or not you need kill-credit on the mobs to get completion.

Comment by Mypciscraze

Hi all
On This WQ You need to help with patrol. Patrol is in maze Locations 27 59 They walking all the time.1 spot is giving 20% you need to do 100%. is not wase to get there but step on mushroom to reduce vision.
See My Video if need it -
Hope that help You :)

Comment by booster363

Bugged. The NPC you follow (Zarkin) is attacking a Rare (Valfir the unrelenting) who has a debuff (Misty Veil) which says 'Cannot be hit.' So they are in a stalemate. Unable to complete the world quest.

Comment by snuzzle

Finished two of the five hunts, then the NPCs disappeared saying the hunt would begin again soon. I ran all around for fifteen minutes and even left the area and came back. Looks like it's either still bugged, or he takes a LONG time to respawn.

Comment by romskeeone

Unfortunately, it seems that this quest isn't in any way a reference to the game Night in the Woods, which is a shame, because NitW is a great game and you should all go play it.

Comment by cgmjr

To catch the Hunt without running through all of the Elite mobs:
Depart from Root-Home via the northbound trail.
Take a westbound turn and follow the river all the way to the coast.
Turn south and follow the trail to
The Hunt will make a stop at the spot just ahead of you.
Join in!

Comment by Ottius

This takes too much time and has too many problems for such minimal reward.

Comment by bryan464

This quest is not broken as of 12/7/20. I think the point of this quest is to jump into the passing group and assist Zarkin for a few rounds then jump out. So make sure you're always assisting Zarkin, don't target trash mobs. Play your character as you would in any other group and you'll get credit.

Comment by thlayliroo

The number of elites surrounding the area makes this world quest a pain to get to, especially for squishy toons, but I found a VERY easy solution. Pinch of Faerie Dust allows you to just fly there directly, and it's quick and easy to get.
1. Take a flightpath to the Heart of the Forest/Refugee Camp in the center of Ardenweald
2. Follow the east trail out, to the pools with a bunch of bridges on the map
3. Kill Shimmerbough Ritualists and Possessed Defenders to get Pinch of Faerie Dust(60% droprate)
The flying buff lasts 1.5 min, so using the Pinch of Faerie Dust item at Root-Home gives you more than enough time to fly to the world quest and search the area for wherever Zarkin and his patrol currently are, if needed.
EDIT: Unless I just got super unlucky today, I think Blizz nerfed the droprate of Pinch of Faerie Dust. It took me 15 kills to get it today instead of the usual 1-2.

Comment by Tangers58

Extremely buggy WQ, probably not worth doing until Activison gets around to fixing it. Only about a third of the stops actually give credit, leading to a small reward for doing the entire patrol three times.

Comment by Jamester

Not only is this quest buggy, it's also stupidly overtuned for a non-elite WQ. Went in as ilvl 165 Brewmaster and had to use all of my defensives as well as both trinkets and a healing potion just to survive the pulls, not to mention they don't even give you time to self-heal. It's also easy to pull a nearby rare. Avoid AoE if you can. If it's built into your spec, switch to tank (if you have one) and be prepared to use every defensive you have.

Comment by KingOfKingz2109

As of 15th december 2020 this WQ is still buggy as hell. Got the first 2 fights progress to 40%, then 4 fights without progress at all.
Solution: try to run out and in again. Have done it once, not worked. Did it a second time (with relog too) and it worked.

Comment by Earther

It seems if you kill/aggro the second pack of mobs too quickly, he will reset, allow time for Zarkin to start attacking the mobs before you kill them for the world quest to properly progress.

Comment by Shadanah

Maybe I did this quest incorrectly, but I had to run around until I found the hunters. If you're supposed to find them and talk to them, that never happened. Maybe I entered the wrong spot. Anyway, the mobs were faction tagged for some reason, so if an Alliance player tagged it, I did not get credit. Once I found the hunters with a Horde player, it went smoothly enough.

Comment by Elitecookie

I hate this WQ. Its so goddamn buggy its insane.
Sometimes i get credit and sometimes i dont. At time, If im alone, i dont get credit at all. When im the only of my faction there i get credit and sometimes i dont. What the hell?
Come on Blizzard fix this already!

Comment by alpanhell

Absolutely stupid quest.
You walk into the area, get this quest automatically which has a bar for 'Assist The Patrol'. So where the F**K is the patrol?
You read the comments above and it looks like you need to go find them. All the while while going through a ton of elites? If you stop to kill those elites you get zero credit on your bar.
Is this even trying?
Edit: I finally tried it, found the patrol and still have no clue how this works (as the comments seem to say for others). What you do is just follow them around, the lead will say something, then a fight will begin after the fight is over your progress bar will either proceed or not (who knows why?). I sometimes got credit for doing the fight, I sometimes didn't. Seemed to make no difference whether I tagged stuff or not.
Just as a test I did zero damage one fight and got my 20%, another fight I did zero damage and didn't. So who knows...
The hunt begins at 28 56, it might be worth waiting there and starting from the beginning.
Someone needs to take a Blizz designer and rub their face against the monitor. The fact someone got paid for doing this garbage is depressing.

Comment by rteger

Just got credit only once in 5 areas. This bugged &*!@ needs to be fixed or removed from the game.

Comment by Schattensang

So it seems the progress has a higher chance to bug out, when you somehow get other elite mobs into the fight. Especially neutral mobs that got aggroed seem to really lower the chances of getting your progress.

Comment by meselthan

After finally finding my way in without dying I followed Zarkin with a group of Horde. Didn't join in,I was mounted even,and I got credit for it all.The last one I died and didn't rez till it was finished and got credit.I didn't do a thing.

Comment by takosenpai

Do they even play the game?

Comment by geekygirlish

After running around thru elites trying not to die, feign death, camoflague, and finding no hunting party I decided the hunting party was probably doing just fine without me and I'll get my 140 anima elsewhere!

Comment by stonkster

Before considering taking on this quest look deep into your soul and decide how badly you need 140 anima and 125 rep with The WIld Hunt.

Comment by BeerWolf

Hate this God damn quest, it's so drawn out and often bugs where you don't get credit despite you attacking all the incoming mobs...

Comment by RedCat30

The quest name may be a play on the 2017 indie game title Night in the Woods.

Night In The Woods Switch

Comment by aski4777

still feels bugged, one of the worst WQ in ardenweald.

Comment by Cimegs5088

The NPC will always be at 28, 56. If he's not there, just wait abit because very likely somebody else is doing the quest.
The cycle would take around 5min? So just wait a bit.
I believe blizzard has their reason of not further instancing this area.
Other than that, it's a very very simple world quest. Just follow the npc around and kill some mobs.

Night In The Woods Tf

Comment by PeckNeck

Is this a reference to the indie game, Night in the Woods? If yes, that's awesome!

Comment by Fyonella

Be aware that if you're Night Elf and die on this quest you will end up on one of the floating islands, that is accessed via the Night Fae Mushroom Network, with no way to reach your corpse to resurrect. Jumping off the island will simply bring you back to the Spirit Healer. Only solution is to take the Res Sickness and use the Mushroom Network to go back to Heart of the Forest, hang about for 10 mins and head off to Tirna Scithe all over again! Deeply annoying!

Comment by deepspace8

You want to watch your AOEs here because if you aggro the neutral wildlife nearby, the patrol that you're assisting will not assist you in fighting them (kind of messed up). They're elites, so they hit for hard, and if you die, you have to walk almost 700 yards back to retrieve your corpse.
Shifting Power has a large radius and tends to get me in trouble sometimes, especially here. It's always good to have a stack of Potion of Specter Swiftness on hand because it saves you time in retrieving your corpse when you die in the Shadowlands.

Comment by Knokkelmann

Do this quest in a group!
Everyone will get quest progress times the size of the group, so you could finish it in the first area with 5 people (theoretically, because chances are high that it'll bug out for at least one person).
Also, spread the word, and invite people, don't let your fellow players waste their time with this buggy quest!
Assist the patrol (1)
Patrol credit (5)


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Night In The Woods

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