Format Of Legal Notice

A legal notice not only saves money but gives a midway to both the parties. Format of Legal Notice: Essential Information. The format of legal notice includes the information as follows: Basic Information: A legal notice contains the sender’s basic information, like name, address, and description. Legal Notice Formats. Notice By Lessor To Lessee To Quit For Non Payment Of Rent. Notice By Landlord To Tenant For Demand Of Possession Of House After Expiry Of Lease Period. Notice By Purchaser For Specific Performance Of An Agreement. Notice by Vendor to Complete the Purchase of Immovable Property. Notice Of Assignment By Assignee. Apr 23, 2018 Format of Serving Legal Notice to Bank. Legal notice to the bank is served if you have taken a loan or motor vehicle from the bank and you are short of installment. Then do not take this situation easy. Why because bank officials now a day have recovery procedures to follow. But, If they contact you and use threatening or immoral language then.

  1. Reply Format Of Legal Notice
  2. Format Of Legal Notice To Builder



Kindly refers to Notice dated _________ issued by you on behalf of your clientMr. _________. I have instructions from my client, the Chairman andSecretary of _______________________., to reply to your above notice in the followingterms:
  1. That at the very outsetmy clients deny all allegations, averments and claims made by your client underthe Notice unless expressly admitted hereinafter. The contents of the Noticeare completely malafide, false, baseless and fabricated.
  2. That the contents ofparagraph 1 of the Notice are only admitted to the extent that your client isthe member and Shareholders of the Vishnu Govind Residency but it is not trueto say that your client is a law abiding citizen and conversant with theMaharashtra Co-Op. Societies Act,1960 and Rules made there under and theBye-Laws of the Society. It is therefore categorically denied that your client beingone of the members and Shareholders of the Society is abiding its Bye-Laws,Rules, Regulations and the resolution passed in its General Body Meeting.
  3. That the contents ofparagraph 2 of the Notice are full of self-serving statements which are deniedfor the want of knowledge. Please note that due to non-performance andunethical code of conduct, of your client being a Treasurer of the society towardsthe society responsibility, committee members of the society insisted yourclient to resign from his post of Treasurer and it was also brought to hisnotice that an amount of Rs. 96000/- has not been deposited by him in thesociety’s Bank account though collected during his tenure as Treasurer of thesociety.
  4. That the contents of paragraph 3 of the Notice are trueto say that the society has called its Annual General Meeting on __/__/__,wherein the office bearers of the society instructed your client to deposit thefund of the society to society’s bank account which was collected by him duringhis tenure period amounting to Rs. _______/- (Rupees ______ only),and your client accepted the resolution passed unanimously by the General bodymeeting and admitting fault on his fraction the said amount was deposited byyour client.
  5. Thatthe contents of paragraph 4 of the Notice are denied as the same aredeliberately distorted and twisted and true facts has not been disclosed byyour client. It is stated that dated __/__/__, a notice and debit note wasissued to your client against misappropriation of society funds for which hehas been charged interest and fine on Rs._______/- and dated ___/___/___ yourclient replied to society that, it happened because of the lack of accountingknowledge and dated __/__/___ a meeting was held by society, wherein it wasdecided that your client has to pay only Interest amount and fine to be waivedoff, and to recover such legitimate amount society has filed the RecoveryApplication u/s. 101 of the M.C.S Act 1960.
  6. Thatthe contents of paragraph 5 of the Notice are denied as the same are false,baseless and fabricated. It is stated that office bearers of the societyclaiming such amount for the sole benefit of the society and its members.Nevertheless, true fact of the case has not been described by your client andmaking false allegations on my client after sinister thought.
  7. Thatthe contents of Paragraph 6 of the Notice are denied as the same are misconceivedmisconstrued and fabricated. It is stated that your client during his tenureperiod being a Treasurer of the society never performed his duty towardssociety responsibility and neither performed the Bye-Laws of the society and aftersinister thought making false allegations upon my client.
  8. Thatthe contents of paragraph 7 of the Notice are denied. It is stated that in theRecovery Proceedings before District Registrar, the Audit report produced bythe society for the period of 2008 to 2012 were not appreciated on the groundthat section 101 of the MCS act, 1960 was not the relevant section of thesubject matter and your client with dishonest intention before DistrictRegistrar produced fabricated separate consolidated statement of accounts whichis an offence under Indian Penal Code.
  9. Thatthe contents of paragraph 8 of the Notice are denied. It is stated that the Dy.Registrar of the co-operative societies, rejected the Recovery Applicationfiled by the society u/s 101 of the Maharashtra Co-Operative societies Act 1960,on the ground of non-relevant section of subject matter so, there is noquestion of deleting the pending dues of your client from monthly bills whichis a legitimate amount of society.
  10. Thatthe contents of paragraph 9 of the Notice are denied. It is stated that yourclient during his tenure period never showed his willingness to give descriptionof society’s account and after several reminder and notices also he nevershowed his willingness to deposit the said interest amount. Hence notice issuedto your client are reasonable and in accordance with the provision of Bye-Laws,Regulations of the Maharashtra Co-Operative societies Act, 1960 and the Rulesmade there under.
  11. Thatthe contents of paragraph 10 of the Notice are denied. It is stated that yourclient has made complaints to the Dy. Registrar of Co-Operative society Vasaion 29/03/2010 against my client and in pursuance of your client’s complaint,Dy. Registrar of Co-Operative society Vasai has appointed its Co-operativeofficer (Gr-1), to conduct inquiry in regards to allegations made by yourclient, who has submitted his report on __/__/__, on the basis of the factsand documentary evidence produced before him in favour of society. But suchfrivolous complaints filed by your client only with a view to take revenge andto avoid to make legitimate payment due on him to society.
  12. That the contents of paragraph 11 & 12 ofthe Notice are denied. It is stated that the society have been charginglegitimate amount to your client which is due on him towards society. Hence itis not bad in law and it is in accordance with the provision of MaharashtraCo-operative Societies Act, 1960.
  13. That the contents of paragraph 13 of theNotice are denied. It is stated that if any proceedings are initiated againstour clients, the same shall be vehemently defended at the sole risk of yourclient as to costs and consequences. Your client is also hereby called upon towithin 15 days from the date of this reply, immediately withdraw is bogusnotice and on the other hand your client is informed that our client andcommittee members of the society reserve the right to institute legalproceedings against your client to recover the legitimate amount due on him andproducing fabricated society’s statement account before Dy. Registrar which youmay please note.



Sub: Water charges in respect of Shop No. 10,11, 12 & 13
I am concerned for my clients, ________, Mr. ____________ and Mr. ___________. My clients are theowners and members in respect of Shop Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 in your____________________Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. situated at ________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the ‘said Society’). Upon theirinstructions, I have to state and address you as under:
  1. My clients state that they have been members ofthe said Society and have been in peaceful and absolute ownership of the samesince the onset. My clients further state that they are on good terms withoffice bearers of the said Society and have paid all their dues towards theSociety till date.
  2. However, my clients wouldlike to bring to your notice that, all the bills issued by the said Society tothem, till date, consists of a category of society dues, being “Municipal andTanker water charges”, which my clients are not liable to pay.
  3. It is pertinent to notethat, in accordance with Society Byelaw No. 69(a)(ii), water charges are to beapportioned by the Committee on the basis of the total number and size ofinlets provided in each flat/shop. Accordingly, myclients state that water inlet is present only in Shop No. 9 and that, they areliable for payment of water charges only in respect of such Shop No. 9. Myclients further state that in the absence of water inlets in Shop No. 10, 11,12 & 13, the Society cannot claim from them any kind of water charges inrespect of such shops.
  4. My clients reiterate that, they have paid all the dues of the said Society,till date, excluding the Municipal and Tanker water charges for Shop Nos. 10,11, 12 & 13 and the same are unpaid since May 2009.
  5. Considering the abovementioned facts andcircumstances, I am instructed by my clients to call upon you to issuethem the amended society bills effective from May 2009, in respect of the 4Shops, after excluding the Municipal and Tanker water charges or alternativelyissue a letter in this respect, confirming the full and final payment of theSociety dues by my clients. Also, ifany excess monies are paid by my clients, please credit such monies to the futurebills for society dues.
  6. On behalf of my clients, I seek your co-operation inthis matter and state that the same will be highly appreciated. I further assure you that my clients will provideall the necessary co-operation / help / assistance as you may require in this matterfor a better and long term relationship.

For, M/.s____________