Microsoft Groove Music


Browse the music catalog.


  1. Groove Music is a music player app that was introduced by Windows 10 and, besides its primary role of playing the music stored locally on our devices, it was also able to stream content or even download it.
  2. Enjoy Groove on PCs, tablets, and Xbox. Browse and search your entire music collection. Make and manage playlists that rock any occasion.

Microsoft Groove Music 2021

Tips & troubleshooting. Add music to Groove on Windows 10 PC. How to add your music to OneDrive. Create or edit a playlist in Groove on Windows 10. Troubleshoot the Groove Music Player on Windows 10.

Microsoft Groove Music 2020

The Browse Catalog request is composed of mandatory and optional URL parts and query parameters. A request containing all parameters would resemble the following string:

Pagination is zero-based (the first page is found at page 0), and catalog browse will not return more than 1000 total items.
You cannot combine the following filters together in the same request: genre, mood, activity.

For parameters common to every Groove RESTful API, see Parameters common to every Groove RESTful API. For a table of error codes, see Error (JSON). For HTTP status codes, see Groove RESTful API HTTP Status Codes.

Response object

Query string parameters

The following parameters are not available on the Common Parameters page.

namespacestringThe namespace to browse.
typestringRequired. The type of item to browse. The following values are supported: 'albums', 'artists', 'tracks'.
orderBystringOptional. Ordering chosen for that content (orderBy field). If incompatible, an HTTP 400 error will be emitted.
genrestringOptional. Genre name; filters browsing to return only items in a specific genre of content. Possible values can be obtained using the browse genres API, and must be properly URL-encoded.
moodstringOptional. Mood name; filters browsing to return only playlists in a specific mood category. Possible values can be obtained using the browse moods API, and must be properly URL-encoded.
activitystringOptional. Activity name; filters browsing to return only playlists in a specific activity category. Possible values can be obtained using the browse activities API, and must be properly URL-encoded.
maxItems32-bit signed integerOptional. The number of items to browse per page. The default value is 25, and it's the maximum value allowed as well.
page32-bit signed integerOptional. The page to browse (will skip page*maxItems items). The first (and default) page is page 0.
continuationTokenstringA continuation token provided in an earlier service response and optionally passed back to the service to request the continuation of an incomplete list of content.
extrastringRequired. The type of the requested sub-elements (for example, 'Tracks' or 'Albums'). See Extras.


Browse the most popular catalog artists in your region




Browse the playlists in the 'Sleepy' mood category



Browse the 5 most played albums in your region


Microsoft Groove Music Logo


Browse the 50 most played tracks in France



Continuation Request (using 'page=1', but it could also have used the ContinuationToken from the first response instead)

Microsoft Groove Music Download


Microsoft Groove Music Account
