Vb Net Update Progress Bar Backgroundworker Thread Up

The progress bar is one of those universal objects that everyone recognizes, it’s useful when doing a large or long task. For example, if your updating/deleting/copying a bunch of files you can update the progress bar as you modify each file.

There are several lines of code to pay attention to, let me outline them here in further detail.
Line 7 – we can think of the maximum as how many steps their are. We can say we want a 1000 steps, or only 20 steps. This makes it useful if you want to update a random number of objects stored in an array, in that case we could store the ProgressBar1.Maximum = UBound(arrSomeArray).
Line 9 – we are just initializing our progress bar to 0
Line 11 – we make the progress bar visible. This step is up to you, I infrequently use the progress bar and I usually keep it hidden until I have a reason to display it. If your progress bar is already visible you can delete this line of code
Line 13 – this line is completely unrelated to the progress bar, whatever value is specified in the Sleep argument is how long your application will wait to update. In this application, I decided to wait 1000 milliseconds (or 1 second) before I goto the next step, this will allow us to see the progress bar update so we can simulate a test scenario.
Line 15-29 – This is just updating the progress bar, then waiting some more, nothing to special going on here. As you can see the value I am raising the progress bar is completely arbitrary.
Line 30 – Print out a message box saying complete
Line 31 – Hide the progress bar so that it is no longer visible, we’ve already told the user that the task is complete, there’s no need to continue showing the progress bar. Again, this line of code is entirely up to you.

This is the code for a VB.NET progress bar example

This is the source code for a C# progress bar example
The code only varies slightly in C#, I’ll make sure to explain any differences. Besides the semicolons at the end of every line, only lines 12, 31, and 32 differ from the VB.NET example.
Line 12, Line 32 – Boolean values must be in lower case.
Line 31 – Showing a message box is slightly different in VB.NET, if you didn’t add the following headers using System.Windows.Forms; in your source code, then you will need to specify the full class name. I included it so that this example can work on as many peoples projects as possible. If you are already including Systems.Windows.Forms then you can show a message box by replacing line 31 with: MessageBox.Show(“Complete!”);

It is up to the developer to use the correct functionality ie methods, and properties to ensure the background worker reports its progress with BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress which raises the BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged Event which is used for updating the user as progress commences and runs its cycle, and said developer should also. You don't set the BackgroundWorker to report progress ( WorkerReportsProgress) BackgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = True BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync Now your BackgroundWorker1ProgressChanged will be called in the context of the UI Thread and you can set the progressbar value. VB Net BackgroundWorker ProgressBar. Private WithEvents bgw As New BackgroundWorker Private frmProg As ProgForm ' progress bar form ' start up Private Sub Button1Click(sender etc ' set up bgw.WorkerReportsProgress = True bgw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True If frmProg Is Nothing Then ' make sure progress form is instanced ProgForm = New frmProg End If If bgw.IsBusy = False Then frmProg.Show. Try putting the file selection dialog and the creation of the word instance back on the main thread, then pass the array of file paths along with the instance of Word to the background worker. Use the completed event of the worker to then tear-down the instance of word and report the completion status.



Guys, I need some help. Does anyone know how to Call cross threads in '>vb.net while accessing the backgroundworker as well? I keep getting error everytime I run my program...

Vb net update progress bar backgroundworker thread up app

Progress Bar Android

Here is my code:

My code converts one file format to another. It works except that while on the process of converting, the whole program seems to pause and I can't access the buttons even the abort..

I would want my project to be able to simultaneously do the converting while enabling other processes to be involved. I've heard it also has something to do with the backgroundworker?

Progress bar android

please help.... It would be very much appreciated.

Thank you...

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Vb Net Update Progress Bar Backgroundworker Thread Up

Vb Net Update Progress Bar Backgroundworker Thread Up To 10

GeekByChoiCe152Practically a Master Poster Featured Poster

Progress Bar W3schools


Wehere is your 'startConversion' function?
I assume the REAL conversation happens on btnConvert_Click, so you have to put all that code in to the 'startConversion' function.
Also keep in mind that on updating controls you have to use delegates. You can not acccess them from another thread.