Z80 Disassembler Online

Z80 Disassembler Online

CP/M Programming Languages and Developer's Tools

ManualZ80 Users ManualDistel Super CP/M 8080-Z80 Disassembler User's ManualDr. Dobb's Journal for Users of Small Computer SystemsAn Introduction to Control and Measurement with MicrocomputersAn Extensible Disk Operating System for 8080/Z80 MicrocomputersZ80-RI0InfoWorldZ80-R10 Text Editor User's Page 1/8. This package contains a portable Z80 emulator. It comes with an integrated single-step debugger a portable disassembler and includes two engines: One written in pure C, which can be used on just about every 32+ bit system, and one optimised for GCC/x86 (DJGPP, Linux, FreeBSD). It can be used to emulate systems with multiple Z80s. Z80 Simulator IDE 9.50 is an application for Zilog Z80 8-bit microprocessor that is bundled with an emulator, basic compiler, assembler, disassembler and debugger. Z80 Simulator IDE has extensive program options and consists of a memory editor for 64k memory. Z80-ASM This is the official homepage of Z80-ASM. Z80-ASM is a compiler/assembler and monitor (including disassembler and debugger) for the Z80 CPU. It runs under Linux (probably also under other UNIX-flavours) and DO$ (DJGPP version 2.03 checked).


BDS C Compiler/Linker Retail Distributions and Source Code, released 9/19/2002 by Leor Zolman.
The archive contains the last generation retail distributions of BDS C for both 'vanilla' CP/M-80 and ZCPR3, and the full corresponding source code (in LASM 8080 assembler format) of the major executable commands in the package: cc, cc2, and clink. Please read the BDS-C readme for more details.

BDS-C complete retail distribution : 1.51M (with full sources and PDF manual).

BDS-C sources : 153K (compiler and linker source code only).

BDS-C PDF manual : 541K This is the BDS C user guide in PDF format (click to view, right-click to download).

Please check out Leor's Web Site for more information and possible updates.


Peter Hochstrasser has released his 'Modula-2 System for Z80 CP/M' per the following message fragment (quoted from Hal Bower's Web Site): The Modula-2 System for Z80 CP/M was distributed on three 8-inch diskettes in standard CP/M format. Files on each of these three diskettes were consolidated into one with a version of ZIP utilities that allows extraction with the 'UNZIP.COM' program available on the Walnut Creek CP/M CDROM (and other places). This way, you can extract them on native CP/M 2.2 and compatible systems.

DISK1.ZIP : 100K Executable (.COM) programs (1985)

DISK2.ZIP : 68K Module (.MRL) and Symbol (.MSY) files (1985)

DISK3.ZIP : 31K Sample programs and library sources (1985)

Modula-2 manuals : 3.1M,

PARASOL by Shay Walters

Z80 Disassembler Online Manual

PARASOL, a public domain compiler for CP/M, 155K.

This is what the author writes about it:

Z80 ASM by Joe Moore

AS8080.ZIP : 1.85M, Win32 executable

A WINDOWS(TM) 32bit GUI program.
A hack but very capable. Assembles almost all DR ASM/MAC code with little or NO modifications. Reads Intel mnemonics with z80 extensions (or can use DR zlib.mac). Produces sRec, iHex, or binary. Generates listing. Extensions to assemble for the floating point co-processor in the ZEMU emulator. Additions of many directives from several other assemblers makes writing code easy. Package includes AS8080 (a z80 assembler), a z80 dissassembler with ability to define data areas not to be encoded as instructions. Output can be assembled with AS8080 (or if i8080 only, with DR ASM/MAC). Package also includes a program to assemble binaries into a bootable disk image. Designed for hobbiest use.

Here is some sample code for this assembler: sampz80.zip.


Al Hawley has authorized the free distribution of his ZMAC Z80/Z180 Assembler/Linker/Librarian package in the following message snippet (from Hal Bower's Web Site): The files comprising the complete distribution disk are available here as one .ZIP file. Extracting this file under MSDOS or Linux creates a subdirectory (HAWLEY1) containing four more subdirectories with files to go in four User Areas (USER0..USER3) on the CP/M diskette. A 'README' file in each user area explains the contents and necessary instructions.

Al Hawley's ZMAC : 302K Al Hawley's Z80/Z180 Assembler/Linker/Librarian

Pre-CP/M development tools by Processor Tech

The first major assembler that was available to run on S100 systems was Processor Technologies SCS-1 (pre-dates ALS-8). PT put it in the public domain and IMSAI and others sold paper-tape & cassette copies with a manual that had the entire source code listed.
Here's the SCS-1 ('Self Contained System') source code:
ALS-8 source code coming soon....

CP/M Draco compiler, binaries and documentation, by Chris Gray

The tools include a 'compare' program, an assembler, a disassembler, a librarian, the compiler, a 'find' program, a linker and a cross-referencer. Also available are the libraries for calling CP/M, doing I/O and the language runtime.
Draco sources for all tools are included.

You may also want to check out the Software Development Tools page at z80.info.

Hardware Reference

Chapter 8 of the 'IBM System/32 Functions Reference Manual': 40K, IBM Document GA21-9176-1 Second Edition: May 1975. This document was a standard reference for 8-inch single sided single density formats.

'The IBM Diskette General Information Manual': 102K, IBM Document GA21-9182-4 Fifth Edition: August 1979. Another IBM diskette manual used for general reference.

This is the official homepage of Z80-ASM.

Z80 Disassembler Online Store

Z80-ASM is a compiler/assembler and monitor (including disassembler and debugger) for the Z80 CPU.
It runs under Linux (probably also under other UNIX-flavours)and DO$ (DJGPP version 2.03 checked).It's written in C and source-code availible!

Since February 2004 Achim Flammenkampis the maintainer of Z80-ASM. He did many improvements andbug fixes as well. See the README for quick infos.

On 2010-04-15, I downloaded the current CVS tar-ball of Z80-Asm from November 2006 on a Gentoo (Linux 2.6.23 x86_64) System, running gcc 4.3.4. It compiles without problems, only many warnings (almost all about signed/unsigned pointer argument mismatch). But the binaries work as they should. :)Same effortless success on an Ubuntu 8.04.1 System (Kernel 2.6.26 on xenon) using gcc 4.2.4! Also works now under Ubuntu 11.04 with gcc 4.5.2.
News: Since 2018-05-21 the 2.4.1 version is availible. It contains additionally two bugfixes and compiles and runs (at least) under Gentoo (Linux 3.10.25 x86_64) System with gcc 4.7.3 and also under Ubuntu 16.04.9 with gcc 5.4.0.

As you maybe remember: Development until the last Z80-Asm 2.4-pre3 version was on the gcc 2.9.5, and later there were many gcc-'bugs'/incompatibilities, but now it seems okay using the current gcc. But things may change if compiler change. :-/

2018-05-21version 2.4.1 and itsChangelog.

2018-04-22version 2.4 and itsChangelog.This new tar-gz archive is nearly 3.5 MB large, mainly because of addition of a few extern PDF documents.

2018-04-16version 2.4-pre4, thelatest diff to z80-asm-2.3.7 and theChangelog.

2006-10-05version 2.4-pre3 and thelatest diff to z80-asm-2.3.

2006-07-04 version 2.3.7 and itsChangelog.

2005-06-03 version 2.3 and itsChangelog.

2005-05-03 version 2.2 and itsChangelog.

2004-06-09 version 2.1c and itsChangelog.

2004-04-01 version 2.1 and itsChangelog.

2004-02-24 version 2.0cis available. See Changelog-2.0c for allchanges since version 1.1.

2004-02-01: you can download version 1.1 updated by Achim Flammenkamp. It contains several bugfixes and improvements:

Online Z80 Disassembler

  • user interface add key = to change the registersA,B,C,D,E,H,L,IX,IY,A',B',C',D',E',H',L',I,(F')
  • display and update the cycle counter and the refresh register
  • BUG in f_ld LD rr,(nn) [only 1 byte loaded] fixed!
  • BUG in f_ex EX (SP),IX break missing runs into EX (SP),IY; fixed!
  • EI replaced by IFF1 & IFF2 (correct LD A,R & LD A,I)
  • user interface @(reset), #(clear memory), *(clear all cpu register),$( clear tick counter), &(SP init)
  • console.c: BUG in c_init() use term_setting not undefined t fixed!

Z80 Assembler Online

Here you can downloadPetr Kulhavy's latest z80-asm version.
On 2001-09-30 he put this version for download with these bugfixes (compared to version 1.0):

  • ld a,(bc) and ld a,(de) were 'illegal instructions' in compiler
  • ld a,(hl) and ld a,(bc) were executed as ld a,l

All these packages are tared and gziped files.

Each Z80-ASM package contains a compiler for the Z80 assembling language and a monitor including an interactive debugger.Compiler is a two-pass one, which knows all documented Z80 instructions. It haslabels, comments and since 2.1 can even evaluate constant arithmetic expressions. For Unix/Linux folks, here is the newest troffed z80-asm manual.

Debugger is interactive, it shows content of all registers, memory,stack,program. You can trace program, trace it step by step, modify program,registers and content of memory, load and save parts of memory and of course set breakpoints.

The (default) look of z80-mon (click for help screen):

Z80 Disassembler Online Catalog

Everything you need to run the Z80-ASM is Linux or DO$ system (it should alsowork on other Unixes) and GCC/DJGPP compiler.

To install the Z80-ASM you must do following:

  • download and unpack the archive
  • change into the just created z80-asm directory
  • read the INSTALL file
  • according to instructions you've read install the Z80-ASM :)
    but typically a 'make' will do what you want.
Besides the raw Z80-CPU with 64 KB RAM this Z80-ASM-Package also supports a quartz for the CPU, IO-buffering logic, extended memory banking, a Z80-CTC and daisy-chain interrupt-logic. Moreoverthere is an LCD-display and a hardware clock availible. For details see the delivered hardware/README file.

Z80 Disassembler Source Code

Original author of Z80-ASM is Petr Kulhavy.
Send bug reports, questions, critics, etc. to Achim Flammenkamp.

Z80-ASM is spread under terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (version 2 and higher). This license can be found in doc/COPYING inthe archive.

You may also see theHomepage of Petr Kulhavy.

Last updated:
2018-05-21 23:04 UTC+2webmaster